Debate: is the B2B/B2C distinction collapsing?
B2B versus B2C. Sound familiar? It’s an age-old distinction marketers have been arguing about for years. yawn, right?
Business-to-consumer marketing has always been the cool kid at the party. With business-to-business marketing being the less glamorous cousin sitting in the corner. And people still seem to accept that.
But we like to ask questions. Interesting ones.
Like is the gap between B2B and B2C becoming, well, less of a gap? Does B2B have a legitimate space on TikTok? Why are we so obsessed with a funnel?
These are all topics of conversation featured in a recent debate organised by The Drum. And our managing partner, Eoin Rodgers, was only too happy to take part.
Along with several other B2Bers (all experts in this industry), Eoin examined the real difference between B2B and B2C. And what that means for marketers.
Now, the write-up of the debate is available. It’s a cracking read, and – we’d go as far as to say – essential reading for marketers everywhere.
Visit this page to see what our Eoin (and the other panellists) had to say. No yawns – promise.