This October, we had more reason than ever to reflect on Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
That’s because, over the past year, we’ve been working with Kheiron Medical – true AI innovators whose vision it is to make cancer as manageable as an everyday illness. (‘How?’ you ask. To which we reply: ‘It's pretty advanced stuff, why not take a look at the website?')
While the cause was already close to our hearts, our working relationship with Kheiron has allowed us to put our creative talents to the very best use.

For the start-up’s ‘31 wishes’ campaign, we collected the wishes of 31 people affected by breast cancer – one for each day of the month. Then, we rolled these thought-provoking stories out across social media, supported by a wish-upon-a-star-themed look and feel.
Of course, it was important for the focus to stay on the patients and their families. So, Kheiron took a back seat and let their campaign stars shine bright.
Visit the campaign landing page here to listen to the wishes >
One final thing: if you’re popping over to our office in Winnersh any time soon, ask for one of James’ famous bacon (or mushroom) sandwiches, which he was selling off throughout October to raise donations for charity. We’re sure he’ll be happy to take your order.